Thursday, August 11, 2011

Come see the other side

I know that I talk about goals and why we do CrossFit. I have acknowledged that there are many different reasons why we CrossFit instead of, oh say, doing P-90X on our own. There are some that got into CrossFit for a great workout, and then, when they realized that there was as much reward as playing a sport, became interested in the competition side of it. I mean we all stand around and cheer each other on in regular WODs as it is. This Saturday is a throw down at CrossFit Lifeworx. For those not totally familiar with it, imagine a soccer tournament of CrossFit (and yes, there are some members parents that come out to cheer, however, I have never seen the orange slices.) Any way, if you have time on Saturday morning, please come by. (I'll put the info down at the bottom.) You'll get a chance to see your CFSJ friends in a new light, and you'll get to see what makes some of us excited about CrossFit.

CrossFit Lifeworx Throw Down
8 am to 1 pm
14388 Union Avenue
San Jose CA 95124

5 x max weighted L-sit (put something heavy in your lap)

30 star Jumps (a mix between a squat and a jumping jack)
100 dball slams (20/16)
100 double unders
30 star jumps

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