Wednesday, May 4, 2011

What if I don't sweat enough

Does it mean that I'm not getting a good workout? The answer is yes. Mainly because it means that your not putting good work in. Let's face it, if there is a short WOD with 100 m sprints and it is taking someone 60 secs to run the 100, that ain't the WOD's fault for the lack of sweat. Intensity can get more out of a short WOD than most will get out of a 4 mike run.

5x5 strict(weighted) pull up
15 min AMRAP
15 Thrusters (75/55)
21 du

Keep the weight as prescribed and let this one smoke you. See how quickly your hope of 13-14 disappears.


Jim M. said...

Do we have enough Mike's for a 4 Mike run? Maybe it should be a 4 Matt run. We seem to have them in abundance.

Lance said...

ooopsie. 4 mile