Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Practice those lifts!!  I'm not sure who this is, but she's got the Clean & Jerk down.  Probably with years of practice.  

Today's WOD was a short one...were you able to push the entire 6 minutes non-stop?  Take advantage of the short ones and push yourself beyond your comfort level.  There are times I'm better at pushing beyond my comfort level, and times I just (don't think) I can do it.  It's a tough thing to get over, and I'm not sure I've mastered it.  Along with practicing various movements and lifts...practice pushing yourself out of your comfort zone.  I know I definitely need it.  

How's everyone doing with the Paleo Challenge?  I'm seeing great pics of various recipes and concoctions on your FB pages. 

 This pic I pulled from Mark C's page...looks mighty tasty!
 It's tough to be disciplined 100% of the time.  I struggle...stay focused and it will pay off.  Anyone notice a change in their energy...sleep patterns...mood...performance in the gym and elsewhere?  

Today's WOD: 


10 Push Press (65/45#)
10 Back Squats (65/45#)

To upscale, jump squats instead of a regular back squats.  

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