Thursday, September 22, 2011

The Paleo Challenge continues!!

We just passed the halfway point of the Paleo Challenge!!  How is
everyone doing?  Are you finding it easier or more difficult than you
anticipated, to follow the Paleo Diet?  It's not easy changing eating
habits and definitely takes time.  I thought I'd post up some photos
of what are considered Paleo breakfasts.  Each has a good blend
of Protein, Carbs and Fat.

Now, how about "cheat" meals?  Or "cheat" days...haha!!  I caved for a 4x4 Protein Style & Fries at In-N-Out last night.  How about you?  Let's see what you've been eating lately; good and bad.  There's still plenty of time to get back on the wagon.

Today's WOD:

5 Rounds

30 Double Unders
20 Box Jumps (24/18")
10 SDLHP (32/24kg KB)

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