A little late but I still wanted to share with you the special WOD we did on Sunday. (That's Minh and Anne doing the 343 steps)
200m run - for the 200 people who jumped
14 Burpees - for the 14 who survived the impact zone
23 pushups - 23 people survived in or below the tower
40 sec plank - 40 people lost their lives on United Flt. 93 "let's roll"
110m run - floors on the towers
60 pullups - number of police officers who lost their lives
60 sec plank - American Flt 77, the plane that was crashed into the Pentagon
125 partner med ball situps - number who died at the Pentagon
60 sec plank - number of people on United 175 that crashed into the south tower
110m run - floors in the towers
90 sec plank - number of people on American Flt. 11 that crashed into the north tower
343 steps carrying 100 lbs. - the number of firefighters lost (100 lbs is their gear)
Lift 2977 lbs of deadlifts - total that died on Sept 11, 2001
14 Burpees - for the 14 who survived the impact zone
23 pushups - 23 people survived in or below the tower
40 sec plank - 40 people lost their lives on United Flt. 93 "let's roll"
110m run - floors on the towers
60 pullups - number of police officers who lost their lives
60 sec plank - American Flt 77, the plane that was crashed into the Pentagon
125 partner med ball situps - number who died at the Pentagon
60 sec plank - number of people on United 175 that crashed into the south tower
110m run - floors in the towers
90 sec plank - number of people on American Flt. 11 that crashed into the north tower
343 steps carrying 100 lbs. - the number of firefighters lost (100 lbs is their gear)
Lift 2977 lbs of deadlifts - total that died on Sept 11, 2001
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