Thursday, September 29, 2011


 Boris repping out some heavy OHS.  I would have a video of Sid repping out some heavy Back Squats, but he didn't get to them until nearly 8pm.  You know Sid, he takes an hour just to warm up!!

I saw some great efforts and intensity tonight.  Keep it up and continue to push yourselves hard.  More likely than not, your limitations are in your mind.  Even though it's hard as hell, becoming comfortable with feeling uncomfortable will take you to the next levels.  Whether that's a faster Fran time, or a new DL PR...continue to push yourselves and continually set new goals.  

Today's WOD: 

40-25-15 reps

Pull Ups
Dumbbell Power Cleans (45/25)
Sit Ups
Trail Head run after each round.  

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Athlete Spotlight - Kenny Baker

Kenny has been with CFSJ for 3 years. His previous athletic experience was all mountain biking and BMX. Kenny did not do any high school or college sports because that would take away from his obsession with the bike! When asked what his favorite WOD was I was amazed how people walking by wanted to answer for him. I suspect it is because he is a very popular guy who people love to tease because he takes it so well. His favorite WOD is FGB and least favorite is Murph. When he started CrossFit his Fran time was 11:00, now it is a very respectable 5:00. Kenny says CrossFit has definitely improved his biking in all ways. Kenny works for Easton-Bell in Scotts Valley as a Product Engineer for their Motorcycle division. Kenny also hosts a fun horseshoe event called the Eastbay Horseshoe Summer Series.


Partner carry to the trailhead and back (switch at trailhead)
Partner being carried must do 5 burpees everytime you are dropped by your partner.

Nice Goblet Squat Vince!


3 rounds of:
7 DBalls
7 Cleans
7 Push Press
7 Back Squat
100m Sprint

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Deadlift PR

Congratulations Mary Pat (on the left) for getting a PR on your Deadlift at 185 lbs! Justin Kress got 315lb and Al and Adam Garner also PR'ed. Way to go everyone!

"Modified Daniel"
25 pullups
100 double unders
400m run
21 thrusters (65/95)
800m run
21 thrusters
400m run
25 pullups
100 dbl unders

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Fun outside of Crossfit!

Road biking and wine tasting with some of the ladies of CFSJ!


400m run
15 OHS (95/65)

Saturday, September 24, 2011

Upside Down fun!

Handstand holds are a great gateway movement to handstand pushups and for developing core strength and coordination.
Interested in more, go here


3 Burpee
6 Wallball
9 lunges
12 Dball
15 situps

Thursday, September 22, 2011

The Paleo Challenge continues!!

We just passed the halfway point of the Paleo Challenge!!  How is
everyone doing?  Are you finding it easier or more difficult than you
anticipated, to follow the Paleo Diet?  It's not easy changing eating
habits and definitely takes time.  I thought I'd post up some photos
of what are considered Paleo breakfasts.  Each has a good blend
of Protein, Carbs and Fat.

Now, how about "cheat" meals?  Or "cheat" days...haha!!  I caved for a 4x4 Protein Style & Fries at In-N-Out last night.  How about you?  Let's see what you've been eating lately; good and bad.  There's still plenty of time to get back on the wagon.

Today's WOD:

5 Rounds

30 Double Unders
20 Box Jumps (24/18")
10 SDLHP (32/24kg KB)

New Athlete - Clayton Austin

Everyone meet Clayton Austin. He joins us from Victory MMA and Fitness down in San Diego where he learned Crossfit. He is a big strong guy with solid lifting skills. He recently moved here for a job with Aspen skilled Healthcare as a Administrator. When you see Clayton you will wonder if he is a football player.....yes he is. Clayton played for the University of San Diego under the current 49er head coach Jim Harbaugh. Clayton was a starting guard for the Toreros. Please help me welcome him to our Crossfit family.


10 rounds for time
100meter sprint
10 deadlift (225/185)
10 Burpees
30 sec rest inbetween sets

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Jenna's Birthday WOD

It's a chipper from Matt to his dearest wife Jenna on her 27th birthday

Do all movements 27 times:

walking lunge
box jump
double unders
ring dips
russian kb swings
back ext
Db hang squat clean (25/45)
wall ball

ps. there is a fence run inbetween each exercise

Monday, September 19, 2011

Athlete Spotlight - Tim Lyons

We are going to start introducing all of you in random order to each other on what we call Athlete spotlight. Tim will lead us off since I have photos of him and he is one of the few that are still around from the early days of CFSJ. As many of you know, Tim has had some shoulder issues recently. Well, wait till you hear his athletic background, then you will know why! Tim was a 4 year letterman on scholarship at Iowa State as a gymnast. He was Big 8 runner up on the rings and also specialized on the vault. His average score his senior year was an amazing 9.67! Tim is also a very accomplished mt. biker with multiple podium wins at the 24 hr of adrenalin and other races. He was a football player, diver, swimmer and wrestler, you name he did it. So if you ever need any help with your muscle-up, Tim is the man! During the day Tim makes his living at BAE systems in Sales.

Power Cleans (95/65)
Box Jumps

Sunday, September 18, 2011

300 Spartan Workout

This workout clip is of some of the actors who prepared for the Spartan 300 movie doing Crossfit workouts.

25 pullups
50 Deadlifts (95/135)
50 boxjumps
50 pushups
50 floor wipers (95/135)
50 KB cleans (26/35)
25 pullups

Friday, September 16, 2011


We have been focusing on Deadlifts for this programming cycle so I thought I would share a couple articles:

Great article on Deadlifts by Bret Contreras
For you women, "Why Women Should Deadlift" by Nia Shanks

Want more? Come to the tuesday, thursday and saturday strength and lifting classes!

Liz, Scott and Mike doing deads

15-30-45-45-30-15 sec working
15 sec rest inbetween each interval of:
iron mikes
Push Press
Lateral hurdle hops

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Crossfitting in your Sixties?

Do you think you will still be crossfitting in your sixties? Art and Ruthann are!!!!

some interesting articles on aging....cause you know you will all get there someday!


For time:
20 Wallball #14/20)
30 T2B
40 Power Cleans (95/135)
50 Burpees
60 SHPDL (53/72) Kettlebell

Did you beat the masters at the games?

masters wod #4 results:
men 45-49 12:13
men 50-54 17:14
men 55-60 15:23
women 45-49 14:21
women 50-54 15:46
women 55-60 15:44

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Practice those lifts!!  I'm not sure who this is, but she's got the Clean & Jerk down.  Probably with years of practice.  

Today's WOD was a short one...were you able to push the entire 6 minutes non-stop?  Take advantage of the short ones and push yourself beyond your comfort level.  There are times I'm better at pushing beyond my comfort level, and times I just (don't think) I can do it.  It's a tough thing to get over, and I'm not sure I've mastered it.  Along with practicing various movements and lifts...practice pushing yourself out of your comfort zone.  I know I definitely need it.  

How's everyone doing with the Paleo Challenge?  I'm seeing great pics of various recipes and concoctions on your FB pages. 

 This pic I pulled from Mark C's page...looks mighty tasty!
 It's tough to be disciplined 100% of the time.  I struggle...stay focused and it will pay off.  Anyone notice a change in their energy...sleep patterns...mood...performance in the gym and elsewhere?  

Today's WOD: 


10 Push Press (65/45#)
10 Back Squats (65/45#)

To upscale, jump squats instead of a regular back squats.  

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

9/11 WOD

A little late but I still wanted to share with you the special WOD we did on Sunday. (That's Minh and Anne doing the 343 steps)

200m run - for the 200 people who jumped
14 Burpees - for the 14 who survived the impact zone
23 pushups - 23 people survived in or below the tower
40 sec plank - 40 people lost their lives on United Flt. 93 "let's roll"
110m run - floors on the towers
60 pullups - number of police officers who lost their lives
60 sec plank - American Flt 77, the plane that was crashed into the Pentagon
125 partner med ball situps - number who died at the Pentagon
60 sec plank - number of people on United 175 that crashed into the south tower
110m run - floors in the towers
90 sec plank - number of people on American Flt. 11 that crashed into the north tower
343 steps carrying 100 lbs. - the number of firefighters lost (100 lbs is their gear)
Lift 2977 lbs of deadlifts - total that died on Sept 11, 2001

Friday, September 9, 2011

Moxie Throwdown

 Today's WOD results.  Nice work everyone...that was a long one!!

Let's come out in full force tomorrow (Sat) morning at 8:30am to support our team of Ashley Vrieze, Harj Basi, Matt Moore & Brian Ganz.  They'll be going head-to-head against many other boxes from the Bay Area & Sacramento.  I hear the WOD's are going to be pretty sweet as well.  Per their site today, some 8' and 6' climbing walls arrived as well as 10ea 65# sand bags.  GO CFSJ!!  If you're showing up, wear your CFSJ t-shirts & represent.  

Today's WOD: 

2,000m Row
50 Burpees
Farmer Carry to Trail Head & Back (DB's or KB's)
5min Jump Rope
200 Abmat Situps
100 Wall Balls (20/14)

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Open your hips!!

Notice the full hip extension during the second pull.  His shoulder position results in a backward lean, helping the bar to maintain a "vertical" path.  If you feel like you have to reach or step forward to catch the bar, it's probably because you're not achieving full hip extension, among other things.  Open up those hips, regardless of the's good for muscle memory and to continually practice full range of motion.  

Hips!  Hips!  Hips!

Today's WOD: 


10 KB Half Moons
10 D-Ball Slams (20-16)
20 Weighted Sit Ups (Same D-Ball)
10 TGU's (5L/5R) (44/26)

Monday, September 5, 2011

Time to hit it hard!!

...and burn off some of those extra calories from the long weekend.  If you were like me, to took a "small" break from the Paleo Challenge and indulged a bit.  Let's get back on the wagon and continue going strong.  

Today's Labor Day WOD (enjoyed by 25 people):

5 Rounds

11 DL (155/115)
11 Wall Balls (20/14)
11 T2B
11 Push Press (95/65)
11 D Ball Slams (20/16)
11 Calorie Row
11 Weighted Sit Ups (20/16)
11 Box Jumps (24/18)
11 KB Swings (53/35)

Loop run (~300m) at the end of each round.  

Yeah, it was a doozy and appropriate for a Holiday WOD.  

Friday, September 2, 2011

Enjoy your long weekend!!

Jill, Katie and Vince flying through some box jumps.  I was going to title this post "Nasty Girls" after today's WOD, but quickly realized my pic didn't (quite) support the title. 

If you're in town, stop by the box for a great workout or two this weekend.  In typical fashion, we'll have one (brutal) WOD on Monday, 9am.  Don't worry, we'll make it worth your while and worthy of all the good food and drink you'll stuff your face with on Labor Day!!

Today's WOD: 

Nasty Girls (I can't remember the last time we did this WOD)

3 Rounds

50 Air Squats
7 Muscle Ups
10 Hang Power Cleans (135/95)

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Rest & Roll

The folks (L to R; Angela, Ulises, Bunky, Michelle & Eric) from our 7pm Elements class...and their last WOD. Fran!!  Some major improvements in just three weeks time.  Congratulations to this class and the 6am and 8pm class as well!!

Rest & roll...give your body ample rest and try to get on those foam rollers, hitting your quads, lats and IT bands. I'm sure your quads are burning, especially from the 250 squats on Tuesday.  

Today's WOD: 



Deadlift (225/155)