Sunday, July 31, 2011

Please make note of the changed schedule

So an early boring post because I don't want people showing up at 9 am tomorrow. Tomorrow's (Monday) schedule is 6,7 & 8 AM. After that, every weekday morning will be 5, 6, 7, and 8 am. No more 9's people.

In the evening we'll run 4, 5, 6, & 7 pm M-Th. Friday will be 4, 5, & 6. No change to the weekend schedule.


Lost in the noise

So there is a difference between training and competition. Competition is meant to test and training is meant to, well, train (i.e. safely and effectively build capacities over broad domains). Looking at some of the Games WODs instantly sparks a passion for doing some, if not all of them. Realize that these WODs are tests of capacity. They will tear you down. That being said, it's good to try them (don't get your hopes up for a killer kage) but stick to the game plan when training for them.

Split Jerk
Complete a significant warm up prior to the first attempted single

Friday, July 29, 2011

Visiting friends and family

Today was the first day of the games, and we saw many of our friends from other boxes and family, literally. Scott Hogan's sister Katie tore up WOD 3 in the Home Depot Center. It is nice to see a community of competitors that can be such awesome friends.

Run 8k

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Next stop…The Games

I know that there are many of you that can't figure out why you pay to put yourself through these workouts, and therefore you can't even fathom paying $50.00 to watch others do it. Well, sorry. The next few post will be from The Games in lovely Carson, CA. While we don't have any of our own athletes going (this year), Scott Hogan's sister Katie is a fierce competitor and we are all pulling for her. We hope that seeing how big the community is in CrossFit will warm your hearts. If not, just pray that we all get back okay. I think Hillary is in charge.


5 x4r/4l kb side press to windmill

100 Dball (20/16) slams for time

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Thanks for your patience

So now we are set. The dumbbells are back, the ropes are up. We'll have all the rings next week and there will be a couple of other minor changes. Beginning August 1, in the AM we'll have 6,7 & 8 AM classes 5 days a week. There will no longer be any 9 am classes. In the PM we'll run 4-7 pm M-Th and 4-6 on Friday. No changes on the weekend. Get the word out.


5x5 push press

300 m run
50 sit ups
50 hip ext
200 m run
100 m run

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

A little knowledge is a dangerous thing

So how often do you hear someone say they really don't know anything? Realistically, we should all be saying the same thing, especially when it comes assessing mobility and making medical diagnosis. Thank you K-Starr for giving us some crazy applications of stretching and joint mobility with some really in-depth explanation of what is going on. Now, that gives many of us a little bit of knowledge, so that when the middle school teacher comes in with shoulder pain we can talk about the girdle and infraspinatus and possible inpingements. Look, we do pretty well at taxing your energy systems to better strengthen and condition you, but there are these things called doctors (which K-Starr is one of) that are the experts to why your shoulder hurts. And, most importantly…listen to them. Don't ask the English teacher. (By the way, it's okay to ask her. She is a doctor.)

FIght Gone Bad

Monday, July 25, 2011

Be Careful

Today we had an unfortunate accident at the gym, and while we work out to get better, stronger and faster, what we do caries some risks. That coupled with the fact that we always push ourselves to the edge can create some unfortunate situations. Believe me, I have had my share of injuries related to throwing caution to the wayside for a good work out (made evident by the sling that I wore for a month), but please put caution in the front of your mind because we don't want to see any of you on the side lines. BTW, Jill we all hope you get better very soon.

Back squats 2 x 15 for speed

15 snatches (95/45)
5 rounds of Cindy
15 snatches (95/45)
5 rounds of Cindy

The truth behind the CrossFit total

...and all other 1 rep max WODs. Let me start off by saying that I used to really love this workout when I was early in my Crossfitting. the reason being that after a week of pull ups and air squats, I was happy to see 1rm of backsquat, shoulder press and deadlift. I thought, "damn, only a few reps and I'm out of here.". Oh, so misguided. The truth is the total should have more volume (i.e. more reps) than Fran. To work up to a 1 rep max, you will
Probably end up doing sets of 10, 8, 5 (several sets), and so on until you are doing sets of very heavy singles, until you struggle and fail. The you will take that max weight and apply the following:
When you see a 5x5 you should be pushing 75-85% of that 1rm
When you see a 3x3 push 85-90+%
Then your next 1rm should be even bigger.

Now I dread the total for 2 reasons; the amount of work and the validation of hard work. Let's face it, if my max's don't go up, I'm probably not working hard enough.

CF total
1rm of
Back squat
Shoulder Press
Dead lift

Friday, July 22, 2011

What is Rx?

It's not simply synonymous for badassed. The reason for caring about pursuing the Rx next to your name is because it means that you are proficient enough (in strength and technique) to do the entire WOD correctly. And, the reason for wanting to do it correctly, isn't just some set of competition rules to make sure your work was the same as mine, but it's it make sure that you achieving strength and mobility over the full, natural range of your joint's movement. Bounce a deadlift hard off the ground and you're in essence doing a deadlift from the blocks. Burpees without ever opening your hips will eventually shorten you hip flexors. The emd point of WODs in the box is practice, not competition. Constantly finding ways to make a standardized movement more "efficient" will eventually rob much of the benefit out of it. Case in point the kipping knees to elbows. This take a majority of the benefit to your abs quads hips etc. Rx is getting the most out of a WOD.

Tabata sit up
Tabata superman hold
Tabata plank
Tabata leg raise hold

5 hspu
5 thruster (135/95)
5 toe to bar
5 burpee
5 deadlift (245/155)

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Take care of yourself

So with yesterday's post, I wanted to follow up, and I don't want this to sound like a bunch of rules or don't do's, but really, you need to bring some things on a daily basis to take care of yourself. Many times I have seen people rummaging around for athletic tape or wrist wrap or some thing to take care of a normal WOD ailment. If you know that you rip or that your wrists need to be supported when going overhead, bring that stuff every day. If you lift better in some shoes and run better in others, bring both. A small gym bag to make sure that you are prepared to do your WOD safely is a small expense to pay. Don't get me wrong, if you need something we have, we'll loan it to you, but how would you feel walking around with a rip, scrounging for tape while the time keeps ticking away. Be prepared.

Lumberjack 20
20 DL (275/155)
20 KB (2pood)
20 oh squat (115/75)
20 burpee
20 pullup (chest to bar)
20 box jump (24/18)
20 db squat clean (45/30 if we have them or 115/75)
There is a 400 meter run between each exercise and at end

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Tip of the day

So with the new ropes come new injuries. Most notably is the rope burn. There are a couple of ways to take care of this. Super sexy long striped socks are one way (to get laughed at.) My favorite is the Mc David thigh wrap. It has velcro and will go around your calf. You can yank it off when done with rope climbs and the material is thick enough to completely insulate your leg. They aren't too expensive either. Should you get a rope burn, treat it like a cut and alcohol or peroxide it. Carry on.

3 rounds
10 ohs (95/65)
15 pwr cleans
20 floor wipers
400 m run

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

The meaning of all out

The short metcons are meant to be that way. Training anaerobic threshold means going all out. 5 min amraps should not be paced or games, and if your last minute's reps are greater than your first minute, you'll need to go back to the drawing board. Motionless on the floor is a good indication of going all out.

5 min AMRAP
5 pull ups
10 wall balls (20/16)
5 hspu
Rest 2 mins
5 min AMRAP
5 kb swings (53/36)
5 burpees
5 oh kb squats

Monday, July 18, 2011

Constantly varied

Now that the craziness is over (for a bit), back to the normal blah, blah, blah. Sometimes, all it takes is one thing to change up your routine enough to get your over your hurdle or reinvigorated. For some it was the competition, for others it was the beer. For many it is looking up a 14 1/2 foot piece of black nylon military equipment and thinking, "there is no way in hell." I saw it all day. People that saw the ropes for the first time today walked around wondering, "how the hell am I gonna do that?" and the best part is that most people surprised themselves. They either found a way to the top, made it farther than they thought they did, or felt some accomplishment by pulling their bodies off the ground. Several times today I heard "I'll get it," conquering issues of strength and fear of heights. A new life for pushing themselves.

5 x 5 Front Squat and a quarter


AMRAP in 15 minutes
3 bear complex (115/75)
100 m sprint
1 rope ascent

Sunday, July 17, 2011

And when it was all said and done, we had a great time.

Thank you so much for all of the people that came out to help up set up, judge, score, cook. And thanks to all of the teams (20 of them including 5 of our own). Congratulations to CF Moxie for taking the entire thing, but it was close and 2 of our five teams made it to the final round. If I start mentioning any individual names for thanks, I know that I will overlook many, as it seemed everyone stepped up to make this a great day, and we hope that you all had a great time, and this will not be the last of it.

If you missed it you can check out the albums on Facebook and Flickr (here).

Comp team WOD 1
2 members work at a time
1000m row/2000m ride
8000 lbs ground to overhead
120 toes to bar
12 rope climbs

Todays WOD
The Dirty 30 (the Filth Fifty minus 20 of each exercise)

Friday, July 15, 2011

The Stage is Set

And we are ready for the action. The comp begins at 10 am. There will be no 9 am class. We still need judges and people to help set up. There will be plenty to eat and drink and the party will go on until 2 pm. Please come by and help us set up.

Deadlift @ 80%

Tabata front squat

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Please be our friend

Then come drink and eat together, but before that watch CFSJ kill it in the competition at 10 am. That is all.

FS 5x5

20 mins of
15 secs on 15 secs off
Kb snatches

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Saturday Info

I got to tell you how exciting it is that so many of the CFSJ'ers are coming out at 9 am to participate on teams. This will rock. We also need judges to come by at 9:30 am and a few people to help with the BBQing. Please wear your CFSJ shirts. If you don't have them, we have a new order. They'll be on sale as early as Saturday at 9 am. Cash or check please. Also, jump rope order will be pushed out until the end of next week, to avoid the craziness of this stuff.

5x 6 (3L/3R) kb press

10 kb swings (53/36)
10 o.h. reverse lunges
10 thrusters (95/65)
100m sprint

Tuesday, July 12, 2011


The key to breaking routine (or getting off plateaus) is by setting challenging short and long term goals. Whether these goals be social, financial or physical, the struggle to reach something will help you push through the hard times. In our programming cycle we set goals for all of you, but how long has it been since you have set a goal for yourself? Whether it be a handstand push up, a bodyweight clean or a string of 10 kipping pull ups, what do you want for yourself? Give yourself some attainable (with work) and measurable to keep you going.

8 round of
90 sec AMRAP
5 pull ups
5 push press (75/45)
5 burpees

Monday, July 11, 2011

Off da hook

So I see a lot of excitement about the shindig on Saturday. Come ready to play and celebrate. I always love the CF community. Technically, we are all competitors in business, but we have no problem celebrating each others successes. Several boxes will be joining us on Friday to help us celebrate. Please come out as well. See you at 10 am.

3000/2000 lbs in pwr clean
Choose a weight and rep that adds up

As many reps of
Sit ups
Wall balls

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Oh! What a week it will be!

First of all, Maxey and Vadim will be in at least 5 times. We will be in the second week of the 2 new elements classes, and we will be prepping big for the Grand Re-opening on the 16th. So here is the run down so you can prepare:

- As of now, we will be having the 7 and 8 AM classes (but bear with us, it might change.)
- 9 to 10 will be team warm up for the the throwdown. At this time the rest of us will be setting up (we would love a little company during this time)
- 10 to 11, the teams will compete.
- 11 to 11:30 finish up competitions (if needed) and get ready for the BBQ (we will provide.)(

See you then.

1/3 Small
800 m run
50 burpees
50 box jumps (24/20)
1000 m row

Saturday, July 9, 2011

The competition is getting real!

Thanks to all of the CFSJ'ers that came out at 11 to have a little practice throwdown fun. We think that everyone had a good time. So much so, we will be doing this once a month. Nothing better than putting all the practice we do in to play. Now, plan on coming out and getting on a team next Saturday (did I mention it is our Grand Re-openng from 10-2).

5 rounds
5 clean and jerks (155/115)
15 kb swings (53/36)
25 push ups

Teams WOD 1

1000 lb carry.
each team of 4 has to carry bumper plates overhead for 50 meters. 2 team members at a time, then sprint back to tag the next 2. 5 burpee penalty for the team for each plate dropped.

Friday, July 8, 2011

So where are they now?

Well it's been 3 weeks since Maxey and Vadim got there dunk on. (By the way, I believe Marnel has scheduled the fat testing truck to come out in August. More on that later.) And, since that time things have gone pretty silent. Just a refresher on what this is all about; 2 friends making a bet that doing CrossFit 5 times a week and following a responsible diet would yield one of them to lose more fat than the other. So, now, 21 days later, where are they? Here is the rundown:

Vadim (following paleo)
weight loss = .5 lbs (however)
Back squat increased 40 lbs
OHS increased 70 lbs (for a set of 3)
Aerobic capacity increased

Maxey (doing the clean)
weight loss = 8 lbs
decrease in stomach size
increase in leg size

Read more about their efforts (serves as a really good guide) at their blog (here).

CF regional WOD 6

20 calorie
30 burpees to a 6" plate
40 ground to overhead (44/26)
50 toes to bars
100 m walking o.h. lunges (45/25)
200 m sprint

Thursday, July 7, 2011

If you can do this...

Then you can do the team wod. Seriously, today's wod was sick. I don't think that there was anyone that looked at it and thought, "uh, not that bad." But, when 14 minutes passed and the wod was still going, most dreaded the last several minutes. However, they all finished. If you can push yourself for fitness, you can push yourself for bragging rights. With that said, we'll see you at 11 AM on this Saturday for some team wod practice, and definitely on the 16 at 10 am for the real competition.


muscle cleans (95/65)
300m run after each round

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

What's all of the talk about

It's about this week's team workout on Saturday. This is not mandatory, but it's a basic prep for the team competitions on the 16th. Some of the other boxes that will be there are LG, Moxie, Silicon Valley, and Lifeworx. They are all committing 2-4 teams and we can't be out done. Shoot me an email if you have any questions, otherwise we'll see you Saturday.

8 x 2 cleans

200m row
10 burpees
10 oh lunges (44/26)

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

What did I miss

I can't believe with the heat and the holiday that so many of you turned out in the last two days. It is a lot better than some of us. If you want to see what you missed (both WODs and how people did) please check out beyond the whiteboard. On another note, there are only 11 days left until the Grand Re-opening. We need to get teams together. We are hoping for at least 1 rx'd team (2 guys, 2 girls). We will be holding a pre-comp wod this Saturday at 11 am. Come with a team or pick one up there. Lastly, start hydrated.

AMRAP 12 minutes
10 Front Squats (135/95)
5 power jerks (135/95)
200 M run

Monday, July 4, 2011

Happy 4th

Happy 4th everyone. Please look at the pic for the WOD.

Saturday, July 2, 2011


Just a reminder that if you want to work off your BBQ before your BBQ, you'll have one shot. Join us at 9am on Monday morning for a good, old fashioned CFSJ holiday WOD.


3min Max Calorie Row
Rest 2 mins
10 min AMRAP
30 double unders
20 weighted sit ups (20/16)
30 walking lunges
Rest 2 mins
3 min max 50m shuttle runs

Friday, July 1, 2011

July 4th schedule

Sorry for the late post on this, but the 4th of July schedule is one class, 9 am. Come and down and work out with me (taking pictures of you suffering). Nothing like a CFSJ holiday WOD.

AMRAP 8 mins
12 kb snatches (53/36)
12 goblet squats (53/36)
50 m suitcase walk (72/53)