pictured: Crossfitters in disguise
3 rounds of:
10 Power Snatches (95/65)
100m sprint
Compare and contrast your Fight Gone Bad scores from the 2009 Games competitors. The average score among males is 392. Pat Barber, who took fourth 2008, has the top score with 463. Chris Spealler is right on his tail with 459.
On the female side, the average is 334. In this category, the top scores belong to Games newcomers, including Christy Phillips with 445, and Sarah Dunsmore with 415.
Start with 10 sets of 1 Pull-up. Take as much rest between sets as you can. When 10x1 gets easy, switch to 10x2. Continue until you can do 10 sets of 5 Pull-ups.
Once you can do 10x5 Pull-ups, you'll be able to do 10 Pull-ups on your 1st set when going all out. Remember: if you can't do 1 Pull-up, do Chin-ups using the same approach.