Wednesday, April 20, 2011

In Full Swing

It looks like we are all settling in quickly, but remember there will be some growing pains and some adjustments to get used to. If you could please make sure we are parking on our side of the lot (i.e. the row of spots as you come in or the rows that are out of our doors).

Also, we are finding that the chalk on the new floors is not coming off, so you will have to count your reps. On a lighter note, what you can do is tear it up, leave your sweat on the floor and kill a WOD. Oh and have a great time doing it.

20 minute AMRAP
5 power cleans (145/100)
10 toes to bars
15 wall balls (20/16)


Jim M. said...

Sorry about the chalk. It's just that I can't use my fingers and toes during the WOD.

Jill said...

I'm gonna have to concur with Jim. Unless someone provides me with an abacus, I can't possibly be expected to keep track of rounds in my head.

Jim M. said...

I think we are gonna have to do the stack of pennies method. Start with a stack of pennies and knock 1 off for each round. Lance, we need a bunch of pennies, or at least one for my thoughts.

Unknown said...

Sharpies for all! Just count the dots on your arm when you're done!

That or use chalk on the old mats near the pull-up structure. I guess it's the sidewalk chalk that likes to stick. The regular bucket chalk is OK?

Jill said...

regular bucket chalk? what is that? oh you mean there is supposed to be actual chalk in those buckets, not just residue?
i could deal with sharpies or something like that I guess.